Web designing has evolved since the beginning of Internet technology when the first page was uploaded on a web server as a simple black text document. Since then, web designing has progressed into more complicated and complex phenomena, and the process is still going on. The subsequent internet boom and the opportunity to do business online changed the ways and means of web designing entirely. Web Design companies created visually compelling sites to attract visitors for high sales. The web pages were crammed full of information accompanying lot of colors. Those websites managed to fare well for sometime although they were a nuisance for most of the people because of their overlapping colors, large bustling text and eye popping and distracting text effects. Then came the so called internet recession, which as a paradox proved a golden period for website design. People learned from past experiments and started to make some engaging sites that allowed the viewer to focus on the main product/service being offered. But there was one drawback; the internet populace was going through a learning shift and they used to think that simple websites are designed cheaply. In efforts to solve this problem, most major designers adopted flash based interactive websites to impress visitors through the flexibility and uniqueness of flash based design. It was the time when HTML, DHTML and Flash tools were used for designing websites. The table based design was good but it had some limitations like lots of codes to write and implement style on each and every object on the web pages.To address this problem, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) was brought up and designers welcomed it as a savior against long codes. CSS is still very much in the vogue though the search for the best never stops. CSS relieves the web designers from the need to draw the tables. Just the div tag is to be used to assign styles to an object on the web page. The hottest trend in the website design is the result of a 15 year evolution that occurred step wise. Today’s website designs are more mature and they are content specific not the other way round. In this scenario, web layouts are as important as never before. Smart web designers now employ web design layouts for the purpose of attracting the user’s focus to matter and not the manner. The websites are aesthetically developed to soothe the visitor eyes and keep them engaged. No more liquid layouts for sure. A related recent trend is web designers’ inclination to create nice layouts but let the background remain sober. The web pages are purposefully left white outside the peripheries to attain focus and hinder distraction. The icons and images are made to project particular points. Furthermore, the web designers embed the videos in the sites to render them dynamic to engage the viewers at once. Light and sophisticated colors are the web designers’ best bet now a days to boost the design effect. Two more things that can be quoted in this regard are reflection effects and 3D gradients. If one has to tell what is the very basis of web design, creativity can be the simple answer. Web designers are very sensitive to the way users react to their web design. The fickle web designer is always ready to go for web design that is basically odd but stand a strong chance of going mainstream approach. This is the way new web designing approaches come to the surface. When various web design patterns are analyzed, it is observed that divergent emerging trends exist in the web development field. The beginning of the World Wide Web (www) has introduced oodles of fresh and unique trends in the web designing technology. Initially an academic focus emerged which focused purely on sharing of information. Another shift experienced was to the particular web design phase which can be termed the more graphics era. This trend further generated the techno-hype trend in which clients and web designers groped for new means to stand apart of the rest and use the latest web design tricks to draw attention. At this juncture, applets, flash, and videos were brandished with great zeal as opposed to textual content. The recent phase of evolving web designing trends confirm the notion that a sound web experience is the outcome of a juxtaposed presentation of visual design, interaction with users, and website structure. This era is mostly called the functionality era and justifiably so. The standards of being a "cool" site has shifted miles from the earlier one. Usability is now the premium web designing buzz word. lately, the web development field has witnessed two extreme trends of modern web designing. These are text only web design and graphics only web design. The text only designs typically have least graphics, a blank vacant background, and sober text. On the other hand, Graphics only sites generally have information nudged into a corner or tiny box. To conclude, we can say that website designs are certainly improving with the passage of time. Though this is a sweeping remark, and this evolution has also witnessed many awkward web design trends also. Something that can be safely said is that the mature professional look is more crucial than abundance of images and other web design components. Less design and more content is the rule today. The future prospects for website design are very bright as the horizon is as wide as one can imagine. As the internet has evolved into the sole business platform for many businesses worldwide, the website design may be considered less important as compared to the content.
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